A Starter Dressage class for those who have never ridden in a dressage competition before and just want to have a go. Rosettes for every rider!
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Every rider wins a rosette
✔︎ Introductory class for riders who have never ridden in a dressage competition
✔︎ Rosettes awarded according to percentage: bronze for up to 60%, silver for 60.01-64.99%, gold for 65% and above
✔︎ Open to seniors and juniors including lead rein.
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Once a rider has entered a standard competition class, they cannot enter this class again.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Working trot, 20m circles, transition to medium walk, 10m circles, give and retake inside rein, three loop serpentine, free walk on a long rein
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Every rider wins a rosette
✔︎ Preliminary class for riders who have never ridden in a dressage competition
✔︎ Rosettes awarded according to percentage: bronze for up to 60%, silver for 60.01-64.99%, gold for 65% and above
✔︎ Open to seniors and juniors including lead rein.
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Once a rider has entered a standard competition class, they cannot enter this class again.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Working trot, half 15m circles, 20m circles, give and retake reins, transition to medium walk, half 20m circle in free walk, working canter, 20m circles in canter, half 20m circle allowing the horse to stretch in trot