Part of the Online Friesian Dressage League
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Introductory class
✔︎ Open to registered and un-registered Friesian horses
✔︎ Open to UK Friesian Federation members and non-members
✔︎ Earn points in the UK or International Online Friesian Dressage Leagues
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Working trot, give and retake inside rein, transition to medium walk, 5m loops, half 10m circles in walk, half 20m circle, free walk on a long rein, three loop serpentine
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Preliminary class
✔︎ Open to registered and un-registered Friesian horses
✔︎ Open to UK Friesian Federation members and non-members
✔︎ Earn points in the UK or International Online Friesian Dressage Leagues
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Working trot, 20m circles, transition to medium walk, half 10m circles in walk, half 20m circle in free walk, working canter, 20m canter circles
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Novice class
✔︎ Open to registered and un-registered Friesian horses
✔︎ Open to UK Friesian Federation members and non-members
✔︎ Earn points in the UK or International Online Friesian Dressage Leagues
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Working trot, 20m circles, half 10m circles, transition to walk, working canter, show some medium canter strides, show some medium trot strides, medium walk, free walk
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Elementary class
✔︎ Open to registered and un-registered Friesian horses
✔︎ Open to UK Friesian Federation members and non-members
✔︎ Earn points in the UK or International Online Friesian Dressage Leagues
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Collected trot, 15m circles, medium trot, leg yield, halt, rein back 3-5 steps, free walk, collected canter, medium canter, 15m circles, 5m loop, half 10m circle, simple change
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Medium class
✔︎ Open to registered and un-registered Friesian horses
✔︎ Open to UK Friesian Federation members and non-members
✔︎ Earn points in the UK or International Online Friesian Dressage Leagues
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Collected trot, medium trot, shoulder-in, half 10m circles, half pass, collected walk, half pirouette, extended walk, collected canter, 10m circles, half pass, medium canter, simple change
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Advanced Medium class
✔︎ Open to registered and un-registered Friesian horses
✔︎ Open to UK Friesian Federation members and non-members
✔︎ Earn points in the UK or International Online Friesian Dressage Leagues
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 27 March
► Results finalised: 30 March
Collected canter, collected trot, 10m circles, shoulder-in, half 10m circles, half pass, medium trot, collected walk, half pirouettes, extended walk, collected canter, medium canter, half pass, flying change, three loop serpentine with flying changes over centre line, extended trot