Online Dressage Series for Irish Draught and Irish Draught Sporthorses. 🏆 Earn points for the league!
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Open to IDHS (GB) members and non-members, 14 years and over
✔︎ For Irish Draughts and Irish Draught Sport Horses that are in the correct ownership and registered or overstamped with the IDHS (GB)
► Not sure if you're eligible? Check the information on the IDHS (GB) website
► Or contact Jane Inbush on 07739 644064.
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules
In addition to the Dressage Anywhere rules:
✔︎ Horses must be over 4 years old and 153cms and over
✔︎ Any competing stallions must be the progeny of a Graded Mare and by an RID, RID (GB), Class 1 or 2 stallion.
⚠️Riders may not enter a class more than one level below their highest entry in any competition class, regardless of where the competition is held, up to Medium, e.g. a rider competing at Medium level may not enter the Novice classes.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 15 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 16 March
► Results finalised: week commencing 17 March
Working trot, half 20m circles, medium walk, free walk, 20m circles allowing the horse to stretch
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Open to IDHS (GB) members and non-members, 14 years and over
✔︎ For Irish Draughts and Irish Draught Sport Horses that are in the correct ownership and registered or overstamped with the IDHS (GB)
► Not sure if you're eligible? Check the information on the IDHS (GB) website
► Or contact Jane Inbush on 07739 644064.
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules
In addition to the Dressage Anywhere rules:
✔︎ Horses must be over 4 years old and 153cms and over
✔︎ Any competing stallions must be the progeny of a Graded Mare and by an RID, RID (GB), Class 1 or 2 stallion.
⚠️Riders may not enter a class more than one level below their highest entry in any competition class, regardless of where the competition is held, up to Medium, e.g. a rider competing at Medium level may not enter the Novice classes.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 15 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 16 March
► Results finalised: week commencing 17 March
Working trot, 20m circles, transition to medium walk, half 10m circles in walk, half 20m circle in free walk, working canter, 20m canter circles
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Open to IDHS (GB) members and non-members, 14 years and over
✔︎ For Irish Draughts and Irish Draught Sport Horses that are in the correct ownership and registered or overstamped with the IDHS (GB)
► Not sure if you're eligible? Check the information on the IDHS (GB) website
► Or contact Jane Inbush on 07739 644064.
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules
In addition to the Dressage Anywhere rules:
✔︎ Horses must be over 4 years old and 153cms and over
✔︎ Any competing stallions must be the progeny of a Graded Mare and by an RID, RID (GB), Class 1 or 2 stallion.
⚠️Riders may not enter a class more than one level below their highest entry in any competition class, regardless of where the competition is held, up to Medium, e.g. a rider competing at Medium level may not enter the Novice classes.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 15 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 16 March
► Results finalised: week commencing 17 March
Working trot, 20m circles, half 10m circles, transition to walk, working canter, show some medium canter strides, show some medium trot strides, medium walk, free walk
Who is this class for?
✔︎ Open to IDHS (GB) members and non-members, 14 years and over
✔︎ For Irish Draughts and Irish Draught Sport Horses that are in the correct ownership and registered or overstamped with the IDHS (GB)
► Not sure if you're eligible? Check the information on the IDHS (GB) website
► Or contact Jane Inbush on 07739 644064.
What are the rules?
Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules
In addition to the Dressage Anywhere rules:
✔︎ Horses must be over 4 years old and 153cms and over
✔︎ Any competing stallions must be the progeny of a Graded Mare and by an RID, RID (GB), Class 1 or 2 stallion.
⚠️Riders may not enter a class more than one level below their highest entry in any competition class, regardless of where the competition is held, up to Medium, e.g. a rider competing at Medium level may not enter the Novice classes.
Important dates
► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 15 March
► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 GMT 16 March
► Results finalised: week commencing 17 March
Collected trot, medium trot, leg yield, 10m circles, medium walk, free walk, collected canter, 15m circles, half 10m circles, simple change, 20m circle in medium canter, working trot, half 20m circle allowing the horse to stretch