Enter a Competition

April 2025 Starter Dressage

A Starter Dressage class for those who have never ridden in a dressage competition before and just want to have a go. Rosettes for every rider!

  • Introductory

    Entries Close : 26 April 2025

    Who is this class for?
    ✔︎ Every rider wins a rosette
    ✔︎ Introductory class for riders who have never ridden in a dressage competition
    ✔︎ Rosettes awarded according to percentage: bronze for up to 60%, silver for 60.01-64.99%, gold for 65% and above
    ✔︎ Open to seniors and juniors including lead rein.

    What are the rules?
    Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
    Once a rider has entered a standard competition class, they cannot enter this class again.

    Important dates

    ► Enter by: 23.59 BST 26 April
    ► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 BST 27 April
    ► Results finalised: 31 April


    Rosettes up to 20th place (as per rules)

    Entry fee £13.00

    British Dressage Logo

    Introductory 1 (2024)

    Arena 20m x 40m

    Working trot, 20m circles, transitions to walk, half 10m circles, medium walk, free walk on a long rein.

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  • Preliminary

    Entries Close : 26 April 2025

    Who is this class for?
    ✔︎ Every rider wins a rosette
    ✔︎ Preliminary class for riders who have never ridden in a dressage competition
    ✔︎ Rosettes awarded according to percentage: bronze for up to 60%, silver for 60.01-64.99%, gold for 65% and above
    ✔︎ Open to seniors and juniors including lead rein.

    What are the rules?
    Read the Rules before filming your test; entry indicates acceptance of the rules.
    Once a rider has entered a standard competition class, they cannot enter this class again.

    Important dates

    ► Enter by: 23.59 GMT 26 March
    ► Upload your video at any time before: 23.59 BST 27 April
    ► Results finalised: 31 April


    Rosettes up to 20th place (as per rules)

    Entry fee £13.00

    British Dressage Logo

    Preliminary 1 (2024)

    Arena 20m x 40m

    Working trot, 20m circles, transition to medium walk, half circle 20m in free walk, working canter, 20m circles in canter, progressive transition to halt from trot

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