Video Guide

Video Guide

Hints and tips on video equipment, filming and uploading your video.

Click on the title text below to open each section. We've opened the first one for you.

Video equipment

You can film on just about anything these days - a smart phone, a tablet, a video camera. If using a smart phone or tablet, hold it in landscape (side-ways on).

If in doubt, get in touch providing details of your video equipment and we'll let you know if it's suitable.

Video hints and tips

You will need a friend or colleague to film your test for you. Ask them to follow these instructions to ensure your test can be judged online. For an example video see our YouTube page .

Filming position

  • Film from behind the judge's position at the C marker, outside the arena
  • If it's a sunny day, try to ensure the sun is behind the camera
  • If you can, mount the device on a tripod to keep it steady.


  • Start filming a short time before the rider enters at A, e.g. as the rider passes the E or B marker
  • Keep the horse and rider in the centre of the frame
  • Sound must be recorded.


  • Avoid excessive zooming in and out - the judge will need to see the part of the arena the competitor is in and the whole horse and rider clearly
  • Some zooming is necessary when the horse and rider are at the far end of the arena


The horse and rider should fill about half of the vertical space in the frame whenever possible. The pictures below show examples of good and bad framing.

Correctly framed horse and riderIncorrectly framed horse and rider, zoomed too much

Upload your video

You can get your video to us in many different ways:

  • Upload direct to your Dressage Anywhere My Entries page (limited to 500MB)
  • Upload to YouTube
  • Use a secure file sharing website, such as Dropbox or WeTransfer
  • Send via WhatsApp.
Upload to Dressage Anywhere
  • Upload your video at any time up to the video submission date published in the schedule
  • Go to your My Entries page. Choose your horse (or add a new horse to your profile) and tick/untick the checkboxes for video privacy and acceptance of the rules
  • Select the Upload Video button and follow the on-screen instructions
  • The video may take some time depending on your broadband speed and size of the file
  • Once uploaded you'll be returned to your My Dressage Anywhere page
Upload to YouTube
  • Upload your video at any time up to the video submission date
  • Upload your video to your YouTube account and ensure it plays back in full
  • Make sure your YouTube video settings are unlisted or public
  • Login to your My Entries page
  • Select the Upload Video button and on the next page paste the link to your YouTube video into the YouTube link box
  • Click Submit.
Share via a free file sharing website
  • Use this option up to the 25th day of the month - to give us time to process your video
  • For instructions for the most popular file transfer methods, click here
Send your video via WhatsApp
  • Use this option up to the 25th day of the month - to give us time to process your video
  • Send your video to 07592 155374 with the name of the rider, horse and class entered


Enter now, upload later
  • You can enter a class and upload your video another day. Login to Dressage Anywhere and go to My Dressage Anywhere > My Entries. Details of your entry will be available here. Click the "Go to upload" button and follow the instructions to upload your video. Make sure you upload your test before 23:59 hrs on the video submission date published in the schedule.
What video format?
  • Dressage Anywhere can accept most file formats including: MOV, MOD, AVI, MP4, M4V, WMV
  • We cannot accept ZIP, WMLP or HTML files.